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Open Data Les données ouvertes peuvent être utilisés dans n’importe quel contexte. Plus d’information, vous pouvez consulter

Machine-readable Les formats exploitables par une machine sont ceux dont les données peuvent être extraites facilement par un ordinateur. Les documents PDF ne sont pas exploitables par une machine. Les ordinateur peuvent afficher le texte sans problème, mais ont beaucoup de difficultés à comprendre le contexte qui entoure le texte.

Connectivity Connectivité se rapporte à la capacité des collectivités de se connecter à l’Internet, en particulier le World Wide Web.

BitTorrent BitTorrent est un protocole pour distribuer la bande passante en vue de transférer de tr`s gros fichiers entre les machines participant au transfert. Plutôt que de télécharger un fichier à partir d’une source spécifique, BitTorrent permet aux pairs de télécharger entre eux.


Voir {term:Protocol d’accès aux données}.

Data Access Protocol Un système extérieur qui permet d’avoir accès aux bases de données sans surcharger d’autre système non plus.

Attribution License

A license that requires that the original source of the licensed material is cited (attributed).

Data protection legislation

Data protection legislation is not about protecting the data, but about protecting the right of citizens to live without fear that information about their private lives might become public. The law protects privacy (such as information about a person’s economic status, health and political position) and other rights such as the right to freedom of movement and assembly. For example, in Finland a travel card system was used to record all instances when the card was shown to the reader machine on different public transport lines. This raised a debate from the perspective of freedom of movement and the travel card data collection was abandoned based on the data protection legislation.


voir {term:Informations du secteur public}.

Public Sector Information

Les renseignements recueillis ou contrôlés par le secteur public.


Voir {term:interface de programmation}.

Application Programming Interface

A way computer programs talk to one another. Can be understood in terms of how a programmer sends instructions between programs.


Une API qui est conçu pour fonctionner sur Internet.

Share-alike License

A license that requires users of a work to provide the content under the same or similar conditions as the original.

Public domain Pas de droit d’auteur existe sur le travail. N’existe pas dans toutes les juridictions.

Database rights Le droit d’empêcher les autres d’extraire et de réutiliser le contenu d’une base de données. Existe principalement au sein des juridictions Européennes.


A right for the creators of creative works to restrict others’ use of those works. An owner of copyright is entitled to determine how others may use that work.


Utilisation du contenu en dehors de son intention initiale.

Open standards Généralement compris comme standards techniques libres de restrictions en terme de licence. Peut également être interprété comme standards développés de manière neutre par rapport au vendeur. Anonymization See Anonymisation.


Le processus de modification des données de telle sorte que des personnes individuelles ne puissent pas être identifiées à travers elles.

IP rights

voir {term:Droits de propriété intellectuelle}.

Intellectual property rights

Les monopoles accordés à des individus pour des créations intellectuelles.


See Information Asset Register.


See Information Asset Register.


Union Européenne.

EU PSI Directive La Directive concernant la réutilisation des données du secteur public, 2003/98/EC. “traite de la manière dont les corps du secteur public devraient amplifier la réutilisation de leurs ressources informationnelles.” `Legislative Actions - PSI Directive <<>>

Information Asset Register Les IAR sont des registres conçus pour collecter et organiser les méta-données relatives aux vastes quantités d’information prises en charge par les services et agences gouvernementaux. Un IAR exhaustif comprend des bases de données, les anciens ensembles de fichiers, les fichiers électroniques plus récents, des collections statistiques et de recherche, etc.

The EU PSI Directive recognises the importance of asset registers for prospective re-users of public information. It requires member states to provide lists, portals, or something similar. It states:

Tools that help potential re-users to find documents available
for re-use and the conditions for re-use can facilitate
considerably the cross-border use of public sector documents.
Member States should therefore ensure that practical arrangements
are in place that help re-users in their search for documents
available for reuse. Assets lists, accessible preferably online,
of main documents (documents that are extensively re-used or
that have the potential to be extensively re-used), and portal
sites that are linked to decentralised assets lists are examples
of such practical arrangements.

IARs can be developed in different ways. Government departments can develop their own IARs and these can be linked to national IARs. IARs can include information which is held by public bodies but which has not yet been – and maybe will not be – proactively published. Hence they allow members of the public to identify information which exists and which can be requested.

For the public to make use of these IARs, it is important that any registers of information held should be as complete as possible in order to be able to have confidence that documents can be found. The incompleteness of some registers is a significant problem as it creates a degree of unreliability which may discourage some from using the registers to search for information.

It is essential that the metadata in the IARs should be comprehensive so that search engines can function effectively. In the spirit of open government data, public bodies should make their IARs available to the general public as raw data under an open license so that civic hackers can make use of the data, for example by building search engines and user interfaces.

Open Government Data

Open data produced by the government. This is generally accepted to be data gathered during the course of business as usual activities which do not identify individuals or breach commercial sensitivity. Open government data is a subset of Public Sector Information, which is broader in scope. See for details.

Tab-separated values

Tab-separated values (TSV) are a very common form of text file format for sharing tabular data. The format is extremely simple and highly {term:machine-readable}.