The problem
In cases where a data publisher, be it a department or agency, generates revenue by monetizing the concerned data, the immediate impact on this publisher of the PSI Directive mandate that data should be free or available at marginal cost may not be favourable. However, publication of data and information according to regulations, principles, best practices or recommendations generally has positive effects at a larger scale. Therefore, a range of metrics at a higher level that take into account the whole data life cycle should be considered in assessing the impacts of the release of public sector information.
The solution
Open Data: Measuring What Matters, Center for Government Excellence: This resource, developed by the Center for Government Excellence at John Hopkins University, lays out how to tie performance measurement analytics to a government open data program.
Atuservicio: This value story, featured within OKI’s Open Data Handbook, uses improved service delivery as a metric for assessing value of open data.
Social Impact of Open Data: This research paper, created by the Sunlight Foundation, puts forth methodology for assessing impact of open data when the hopeful outcome is to see a change in behavior.
Impact Map, Center for Open Data Enterprise: This map, created by the Center for Open Data Enterprise, displays use cases of open government data programs around the world.
Towards Common Methods for Assessing Open Data: This framework, developed by the Web Foundation and the GovLab, looks at context/environment, data, use and impact to assess open data activities.
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