Open Data Resources
The resource library gathers a variety of resource that relate to open data and are produced by the community. For academic research about open data, please refer to the web foundation bibliography. To add a resource to the library, follow these steps.
Featured Topics
The Basics
The Basics
A very short intro to Open Data
Open WebsiteThe Basics W3C guidelines for Open Data
Technical guidelines to publish open data
Open PresentationThe Basics Ten Open Data principles
Ten basic principles of open data that provide a lens to evaluate the extent to which government data is open and accessible to the public.
Open PresentationThe Basics, standrads Open Government book
A book on the principles, practices, and a history of the open government data movement.
Open PresentationThe Basics Open Government
A collection of early articles and case studies discussing various aspects of open government and open data
Open PresentationThe Basics Open Data Stack Exchange
Open Data Q & A portal
Open Link -
Policy Open Data Policy Guidelines
Open data guidelines addressing what data should be public, how to make data public, and how to implement policy
Open WebsitePolicy Web foundation ODRAs
Open Data Assessment studies from Chile, Ghana and Indonesia
Open PresentationPolicy Open Data field guide
A comprehensive guide for publishers (mainly governments) for ensuring your open data program serves you and your citizens.
Open WebsitePolicy Open Data white paper (UK governent)
Policy paper by the british government regarding Open Data
Open PresentationThe basics, Policy Open Government Data OGP
Guides which are targated to governments to Open Data - Comes with countries examples
Open PresentationThe basics, Policy Open By Default
An open data playbook to help you get started in your city or county
Open WebsitePolicy Open Government in Latin America
Case studies on Open Data in LATAM
Open PresentationFOI, Policy Open Government Data and the Right to Information: Opportunities and Obstacles
Short overview of the drivers and background of the Open Government Data and Right To Information movements, plus an address of the commonalities and differences between both movements followed by an assessment of the risks and opportunities that the OGD movement can hold for the older, more established RTI.
Open WebsiteFOI, Policy Connecting Open Data and the Right to Information in Sierra Leone
Historical account of when Society for Democratic Initiatives, Sierra Leone, began a groundbreaking new research project as part of the Open Data in Developing Countries (ODDC) research network. The project aimed to assess the practicality of open data initiatives in post-conflict Sierra Leone and was one of 17 case studies in developing countries commissioned by the World Wide Web Foundation through a research grant from Canada’s International Development and Research Centre.
Open WebsitePolicy Right to Information and Transparency in the Digital Age: Policy, Tools and Practices
Videos from workshop about Access To Infomation, which has become one of the most promising tools to combat corruption, increase people’s participation in (self) governance and thus, to strengthen democracy.
Open VideoPolicy World That Counts: Mobilising The Data Revolution for Sustainable Development.
This report sets out the main opportunities and risks presented by the data revolution for sustainable development. It is prepared at the request of the United National Secretary-General, by the 'Independent Expert Advisory Group on a Data Revolution for Sustainable Development'.
Open PresentationPolicy From open data to a right to data: A response to the UN Data Revolution report
Summary from a recent workshop with the Independent Expert Advisory Group’s lead author, Claire Melamed, where participants (including Publish What You Fund, ONE Campaign, Open Data Watch and other partners) reflected on what it would take to bring about a “data revolution” to make the global fight against poverty more effective.
Open WebsitePolicy Building Global Capacity on Open Data
Account of a small team of independent evaluators who was invited to look at the Open Data in Developing Countries project, including talking to partners and collecting evidence to provide insights into the process, and the early impacts, of the project.
Open WebsiteFOI, Policy Access to Government Information: Right to Information and Open Government Data Synergy
This paper attempts to present the underlined ideology of the Open Government Data and Right To Information movements, which have fashioned the access to government information and to substantiate that the way to the future is a one-way street towards the greatest possible dissemination of government information as this can be established by the synergy of RTI and OGD in order to preserve and promote the primary human and political right to receive information so as to be informed and able to freely express opinions, ideas and thoughts.
Open PresentationPolicy, FOI Open Government Data: Right to Information 2.0 or its Rollback Version?
This paper discusses the relationship between the open government data (OGD) movement and the right to information (RTI) movement.
Open WebsitePolicy African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedom
Article sets "12 Principles on the Internet" for social, economic and human development in Africa.
Open WebsiteOpen Data Policy Open data, open government and critical consciousness
Recap of panel talk by Linda Raftree at the Engineers Without Borders, Canada, Annual Policy Forum. It summarizes how open data are having impact in 4 key areas: (1) economic growth/entrepreneurship, (2) transparency, accountability and governance, (3) improved resource allocation and provision of services and (4) connecting data dots and telling stories the public needs to know.
Open WebsitePolicy, civic engagement Guidelines on Open Government Data for Citizen Engagement
The Guidelines on OGDCE focuses on how to open government data and how this can be useful for citizen engagement by providing an easy-to-use reference guide that introduces policy guidelines and best practice recommendations developed by the international community.
Open PresentationThe basics, Policy Open Data Charter
A set of principles and a policy framework adopted by various government institutions
Open Website -
The Basics, standrads Open Government book
A book on the principles, practices, and a history of the open government data movement.
Open Presentation -
Data Training
Data trainings ODI Guides
A collection of guides covering issues such as licensing, privacy and data reuse
Open Website -
Right to Information
Freedom of Information Why Open Government is So Crucial To Our Society
Martha Mendoza talks about the importance of open government and about using Freedom of Information laws around the globe to ensure transparency. Basic video to explain the concept of Open Data
Open VideoRight for information Open Education Handbook
The Open Education Handbook is a collaboratively written living web document targeting educational practitioners and the education community at large. It has a section on Open Education data.
Open LinkRight for Information Open Procure
Open Procure lists public agencies and their respective procurement thresholds. This guide identifies the dollar amount under which a government agency can purchase a product or a service without having to solicit competitive bids.
Open Link -
Privacy Open Data Privacy notes
Academic discussion on Open Data and privacy with clear definitions.
Open WebsitePrivacy Guide to data protection
Explanation of the UK data protection act
Open WebsitePrivacy Transparent Government, Not Transparent Citizens: A Report on Privacy and Transparency for the Cabinet Office
A report about open data and privacy for the UK cabinet office with recommendations
Open PresentationPrivacy Save the Titanic: Hands-on anonymisation and risk control of publishing open data
A Guide to annonamization
Open WebsitePrivacy EU PSI open data and privacy
EU guide to Open Data and Privacy
Open PresentationPrivacy Privacy and Biometric ID Systems - An Approach Using Fair InformationPractices for Developing Countries
This paper explore privacy practices in connection to the biometric id systems. The paper defines privacy principle, introduce the fair information practices and uses privacy assesment practices to understand privacy consequences. Lastly, the paper use biometric Id systems as a case study for this methods.
Open PresentationPrivacy The Viagra Vote?
This article discuss the ethics of data mining and data analytics for the perpuses of elections in the USA and the privacy implications of it.
Open WebsitePrivacy Government Open and Shut: Transparency, Privacy and Mass Surveillance
This is a video of a panel that took place in November 2013 at the OGP summit in London. The panel discuss privacy issues in mass surveillance and in open data and suggests some solutions for it.
Open VideoPrivacy The year that governments struck back: Seven things you need to know about privacy in 2014
The article highlight topics in survelliance and privacy in government data and present cases from around the world where privacy was violiated
Open WebsitePrivacy Open Data or Privacy Breach?
This article looks at the privacy breaches in British Open Data and the difficulty in making all thing open without taking extra care of privacy.
Open WebsitePrivacy The Ultimate Guide to Online Privacy
A comprehensive, 10,000+ word guide listing the top resources an individual should use to protect their online privacy
Open Link -
Civic Engagement
Civic Engagement How-to Guide: Opening Data From The Ground Up. Seven Steps To Open State, City, or Provincial Data Successfully
This how-to-guide is intended for civil society groups who want to convince local governments to disclose government data in open formats so that they can use this for their advocacy or development work. This guide was developed based on the lessons from the project “Linking Freedom of Information and Open Data in Banda Aceh”.
Open LinkCivic engagement Empowering the Open Data dialogue
Open WebsiteCivic engagement Open Government Data for Citizen Engagement in Managing Development
Guidelines, tailored to the needs and contraints of developing countries, for policy makers and technologists to use to understand, design, implement and sustain open government data initiatives.
Open PresentationCivic engagement Independent Reporting Mechanism - Civic Participation in Latin American OGP Commitments
This is a report about the participation of civil society in Open Gvoernment policies in 10 Latin American countries. The report is based on the independant report mechanism of the Open Government Partenrship. It is also suggests different ways to improve engagment with the community.
Open PresentationPolicy, civic engagement Guidelines on Open Government Data for Citizen Engagement
The Guidelines on OGDCE focuses on how to open government data and how this can be useful for citizen engagement by providing an easy-to-use reference guide that introduces policy guidelines and best practice recommendations developed by the international community.
Open Presentation -
Advocacy Open Data and Access to Information Advocates Unite
Blog post outlining what access to information has to do with open data.
Open Website
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